Climbing for a Cause with 'Spital for ALL' 🙌

Cele mai frumoase lupte în viață sunt cele date pentru alți oameni. De aceea m-am hotărât să fac tot ce ține de mine pentru a îmbunătăți condițiile în care stau copiii bolnavi de cancer.
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Melania Gal-Joo
lei = 10 acțiuni

My name is Melánia. I am an automation engineer from the heart of Transylvania. I was born in 1996 as a premature baby and spent the first month of my life in an incubator. I was always sick and "stayed on antibiotics". It has been 27 years since then, and I got stronger. Sports have changed my life. I met the limits of my body, and I learned that if I believe and focus on the things I like, I can realize them no matter what others say.

In October 2022, I took part in an expedition to the Himalayas where I brought the "Spital for ALL" T-Shirt to the summit of Ama Dablam, aiming to raise funds for the "Give Life" project. While it may appear from the outside that I contributed to the foundation, the reality is that the project had an even greater impact on me.

Climbing high mountains is a formidable challenge, demanding extensive physical and mental preparation. On my way to the base camp, I fell ill and had to undergo a course of antibiotics, leaving me drained of energy upon completion. Mentally, I faced numerous lows and contemplated giving up multiple times. However, the overarching goal of climbing the mountain, not just for personal achievement but to contribute to a greater cause, motivated me to overcome these mental difficulties and turn my dream into reality.

In February 2024, I am embarking on a journey to Argentina to summit South America's highest peak, Aconcagua. On this occasion, I would like to raise funds again for the hospital. Initially, my plan was to raise an amount equal to the altitude of the mountain, but the lesson from the "Give Life" project is to dream big. Therefore, my target is set at 10,000 lei.

I believe that together, we can create a positive impact and reach the summit of Aconcagua (6961m = 690 ❤ ; +310 ❤).

You can track my expedition on the following link:

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