You've Got to Be Brave and Carry On
9 oct 2020 | 2 min
Stories of Veteran-Kids
Vlăduț is 9 years old and has spent almost 3 years on the battlefield, fighting cancer. Fortunately, he has had his mother next to him every step of the way and she's given him the optimism that has made him go on.

*“It all happened one winter, when I went sleighing with my friends and I fell. When I went home, I had some bloody urine, but I thought maybe it wasn’t something serious and it would go away quickly. I was OK for a couple of days, then I couldn’t pee any more. I was scared of getting surgery, but I was even more scared of dying.”*

*“I’m happy when I’m with my family and I’d be happy to know nobody has to go through the same things as my mom and I. When I grow up, I’d like to be a soldier or a football player. I’d like to be a soldier to protect people, that’s what I like the most. And I’d like to be a football player because I watch a lot of football. I have a favorite player who’s a sweeper and I’d like to be just like him. If it hadn’t been for the disease, I’d be playing football right now.” *
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**We’re Making a Hospital!
The first National Hospital for Children with Cancer, Severe Diseases and Trauma**
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